Konda Polam

Is it just me, or is the story of Konda Polam inspired by the Rudyard Kipling’s The Jungle Book? While watching the movie I couldn’t help but draw similarities between the characters of the two stories. I could sense Mowgli in Ravi, Leela in Obu, Akela in the leader of the shepherds, Father Wolf in Guravappa, the wolf pack in the shepherds, and Sher Khan in the Tiger. There were similarities even in the setting and the storyline, like how the shepherds who lived their entire lives in the village and mountains feel very much at home, while Ravi who lived most of his life in the city does not have a sense of belonging even though they are his family, and this is his home. Even the way the Tiger singles out Ravi in the group, and how Ravi faces his fears and finally looks the Tiger in its eyes feels very much similar to what happens between Mowgli and Sher Khan. That being said, it does not really matter whether the makers of the film, or the novelist on whose book this movie is based on had The Jungle Book in their mind while penning this story or not, because on its own Konda Polam is still a brilliantly shot film that is a visual delight.

Set in a village near the Nallamala Forest, Konda Polam is about a group of shepherds who take their goats for grazing to the hills when their village is hit by a drought. Knowing that their animals will die if they do not get water soon, Guruvappa, along with the people of the village decide to take their cattle grazing to the forest on the hills, where there is plenty of water. Since it is not a journey that they can take everyday, the villagers will have to live in the forest with their cattle for several days, while family members supply them with food every week. Surviving in the jungle for so many days while protecting yourself and your cattle from thieves and wild animals is not easy. That is why the shepherds stay close to each other in a group, and take turns guarding their cattle. The movie is about how Ravi survives these 40 days in the jungle, and the many life lessons he learns in the process.

I love movies that gives me a glimpse into the lives I am unfamiliar with. As someone who is born and raised in the city, I have never heard of such a thing called Konda Polam (hillside grazing). While I know that shepherds and cowherds go to great lengths to feed their cattle, what I did not know is how elaborate and risky this process sometimes is. Too see the kind of life these shepherds live was a very humbling experience for me. Konda Polam is worth a watch not only for its heartwarming story but also its brilliant cinematography. The sweeping views of the Nallamala Forest are so breathtaking that I am seriously considering visiting the place when I go to India. As someone who was born and raised in India, I realized how little of the country I have explored. While we try to visit some of the famous historical sites every time we travel, I realized that when it comes to natural landmarks, beaches are the only places we have been to in the country. It really is a shame that for someone who loves hiking, how little of these forests I have explored so far, especially since I come from a state that has some of the most beautiful ghats and forests.

Definitely check out Konda Polam that is currently streaming on PrimeVideo. It is a beautiful movie that you can watch with your entire family.

Now, We Are Breaking Up

I just finished watching Now, We Are Breaking Up, and I must say it was the most disappointing show of 2021. Having watched Jang Ki-yong earlier in the year in My Roommate is a Gumiho, and missed seeing Song Hye-Kyo for a while, I was really looking forward to this drama. The trailer looked promising and so did the first few episodes, so I was pretty sure it was going to be a good drama. Sadly, that was not the case. While the initial setup for the plot was interesting, the writers did a terrible job of building on it and giving it a satisfying conclusion.

Now, We Are Breaking Up is about what happens when Ha Yeong-eun, a fashion designer meets Yoon Jae-gook, a successful freelance photographer. Ten years ago as a student in Paris, Yeong-eun had it all, a promising career in fashion design, and a boyfriend she loved very much. However, all that changes when her boyfriend disappears from her life after moving to Seoul. Believing she was abandoned, Yeong-un completely gives up on love and relationships, and dedicates her life to her career in fashion designing. As a child born out of wedlock, Jae-gook has issues of his own. He does not believe in love and everlasting relationships either, that is until he meets Yeong-eun. As if falling in love isn’t challenging enough for these two very scarred individuals, things get a lot more complicated when they find out that Yeong-eun’s ex-boyfriend Yoon Soo-wan is none other than Jae-gook’s half-brother who died in a car accident ten years ago. Figuring out their feelings for each other while dealing with their respective families who do not want them to be together is what the rest of the show is about.

The problem with watching a bad drama or movie is that you become painfully aware of the limitations of an actor, and that is exactly what happened to me while watching this drama. I am not sure if their characters were lackluster or their performances, but this is the first time I noticed how lacking both the actors were when it came to convincingly portraying the emotions of their respective characters. Had it not been for their previous dramas that I had watched and loved, I don’t think I would have watched this drama till the end.

The only good thing about this drama for me is Park Hyo-joo’s Jeon Mi-sook. As someone who always hoped to die a sudden death (hopefully peacefully in my sleep), Mi-sook made me realize the importance of giving a closure to all the loved ones I will leave behind. While it maybe be very hard for me, I really hope that when my time comes, I will have the opportunity to say my goodbyes and give everyone that I love and care about a sense of closure so they do not grieve too much when I leave.

Now We Are Breaking Up is available on Viki.


Do you remember when the GOCE satellite was about to enter the Earth’s atmosphere in 2013, and nobody knew where it was going to crash? Well, something similar happened in 1979, except that instead of a car sized satellite weighing 1 ton, that time it was a nine-storied space station (Skylab) weighing a whopping 77 tons. So, you can imagine the state of the world when they heard the news of the space station crashing to earth. Not knowing exactly where it might crash, the entire world was in a state of panic. While some prayed frantically, others found safe places to hide, or painted targets hoping the space station would have something to aim for instead of crashing on them. There were also some who offered cash prizes for the first person finding a piece of the space station debris, while others tried to make a quick buck selling merchandise such as T-shirts, helmets (I still don’t understand how they thought a mere helmet could protect them from such a massive object), and of course the Skylab Repellent (guess when you think you are going to die, you will believe anything). All this happened while leaders of several nations asked for the people of the country to remain calm while they closely monitored the trajectory of the space station.

Set during this time in history, Skylab the movie, is about the inhabitants of a remote village in Telangana, and how they react to the news of the space station crashing in their village. The year is 1979, and like most of rural India, social evils such as class and caste system are still very much prevalent in this village. Among its many residents are Gowri (Nithya Menon), a writer desperate for an identity of her own, Anand (Satyadev), a doctor who desperately needs money to get his medical license, and Subedar Rama Rao (Rahul Ramakrishna), a man desperate to break the shackles of his family lineage that restricts him from doing anything. While these are the dreams of the people coming from privileged backgrounds, there are others in the village with smaller but maybe even more precious dreams, like the sculptor who wants to enter the temple to see the statue of the God at least once in his lifetime, and the little kid who wants to play with the toy-airplane owned by the landlords where his parents work as servants. Will these people, along with the many villagers realize their dreams before the space station crashes to earth is what Skylab is all about?

What does the end of the world actually mean to you, and what would you do if you found out that your days on the planet are numbered? Would you try your best to fulfill your dreams before it is all over, or would you just give up and wait for death? Would you help all those around you hoping you can all survive together or would you rather go and hide some place safe hoping that you will be spared? Would you stay put or would you flee? Would you pamper yourself with the luxuries you worked so hard to earn, or would you hide all your wealth some place safe hoping that you and your wealth will somehow be spared from the catastrophe? These are the kind of questions Skylab makes us ponder while trying to answer them, through its many characters.

Skylab is a delightful little film that is definitely worth a watch.

The Red Sleeve

Spoiler: This blog is not a review. It is merely my thoughts on The Red Sleeve, a drama that I really enjoyed watching.

I really do not know why I do this to myself. This happens to me almost every time I watch a historical Asian drama. Knowing the ridiculous rules they used to live by back in those days, I know that more often than not I will be tormented by the drama. Honestly, what miserable lives they led back then! While I wish I could say otherwise, The Red Sleeve was no different. Like the title of the drama was not clue enough, I should have known about the inevitable heartache that was to come when King Yeongjo tells young Seong Deok-im, that as a pretty court lady of the Crown Prince her fate might turn out the same as the Royal Concubine Yeong-bin.

Royal Concubine Yeong-bin was the most cherished wife of King Yeongjo, who gave him six children and went through great lengths for his future. However, since she was just a court lady, she could never be queen. The highest rank she could hold was that of a concubine. As per the law, a King is prohibited from attending the funeral of his concubine, how much ever he might cherish her. The law also prohibits any man from entering her death chamber, including her own grandson. Such was the fate of a concubine. However, it is still better to be a concubine and die in a palace, than be a court lady who is not allowed to die inside the palace. Irrespective of the power they hold, the last moments of a court lady are always shabby and insignificant. When nearing their death, they must leave and die outside the palace. That is why, even though they can never leave the palace and have to lie alone in a cold chamber after their death, it is the dream of every court lady to win the favor of the king and become his concubine so they can gain the right to die inside the palace.

However, Seong Deok-im is not like other court ladies. While she may want to live inside the palace, she prefers the simple life of a court lady to that of a royal. That way, even though her life is tied to the palace like a royal concubine, she will at least have the freedom to step out of it once in a while with her friends, and even within the restricted life of a place maid she can still live her life by making choices, however trivial they might be. She knows as a concubine she will have to give up all that she holds dear, and live a life of waiting, dedicated to the King, a man that she will have to share with other women. As someone who craves the simple things in life, she is afraid that she will lose herself if she choses such a life. That is why she is so reluctant to become San’s concubine when he becomes the King, even though she loves him.

The Red Sleeve, which is about the court ladies that serve in the King’s palace, is such a perfect title for this drama. There are many types of palace maids serving in the palace. However there is only one group of them that dye their sleeves red. These are the court ladies that belong to the King. They usually enter the palace as little girls, when the King is still a young Crown Prince. They are trained until the coming of age ceremony, after which they start working in the Crown Prince’s palace, and will follow him till the very end. Their fate depends on the Crown Prince / King that they serve. If their master dies then they will have to leave the palace. Seong Deok-im is one such court lady, who comes to the palace as the maid of Crown Prince San, who later becomes King Jeongjo. Unlike other historical dramas, what I liked about The Red Sleeve is that we get to see life in the palace through the eyes of the many women living in it. It does not matter whether you are the Queen, concubine, princess, head court lady or maid, every one is a prisoner in this big luxurious prison. There isn’t much any of them can do by their own free will. While the situation of a maid may be the worst, they are all still at the mercy of their superiors. While the maids spend their entire lives slaving away, the royal women spend their lives alone and waiting. Their fate is such that they can neither leave the palace nor mourn the death of a loved one. The only way these women can survive in the palace is by depending on each other. And when it comes to friendship or alliances, the court ladies definitely have it better than the royals.

The social standing of a court lady, often referred to as palace fairy, is pretty high outside the palace. As glamorous as their life might seem, only a court lady knows how sad life inside the palace can be. As someone sharing similar fate, the court ladies know that they only have each other to rely on and protect. So, the bond they form among themselves is very strong. Be it Head Court Lady Jo, who is in charge of the 700 court maids in the palace, Court Lady Seo, who is in charge of the Crown Prince apprentice palace maids, or the many court ladies of the palace, everyone truly cares about their fellow palace maids, and are willing to do anything to protect them. Through Deok-im we get a glimpse of some of these relationships, the best of which is her friendship with three of her fellow court ladies Yeong Hui, Bok-yeon and Kyung-hee.

Honestly even more than the love story between Deok-im and San, my heart warmed or weeped for these four friends and their friendship. As four girls growing up together, helping and protecting each other while dreaming of a future when they can live next door to a book lender, reading all they want and munching on roasted chestnuts, you know that the love these girls have for each other is everlasting. They know that as long as they have each other they can get through anything. Deok-im was the most happiest when she was with her friends. Even Court Lady Seo, who was like her mother did not understand her as well as her friends did. Though San loved her very much, and she loved him, she could never be truly happy when she was with him. Her heart always longed for her friends and the life she left behind. That is why though San also dreamed of an eternity with Deok-im, I really hoped that Deok-im is with her friends next-door to a book lender in her afterlife and not with San in the Annex watching the flowers bloom.

That does not mean that I think the love San and Deok-im had was lacking, because it most definitely was not. However, as someone who had very different plans for their lives, I felt that there’s was a love that should not have happened. She had no intention of ever seeking the favor of the crown prince, and he was sure he would never get himself involved with anyone that was not of noble standing. It was really unfair that he knew exactly who she was, while she was in the dark regarding his identity when they developed feelings for each other. As someone who really values herself, had she known that he was the crown prince, she would never have fallen in love with him. That is why, even though I knew how very much in love they were, I couldn’t help but feel sad when she finally becomes his concubine. Seeing her loose herself, while she gave him her everything was too heart-breaking. I really couldn’t stop my tears when on her death bed she asks San that if he still holds her dear in his heart could he please just pass on by when he sees her in his next life, not because she holds a grudge, or hates him, but just because at least in the next life she wants to live the way she wants. I was not weeping because that was the end for San and Deok-im, I was weeping for the Deok-im who in the end could not live the life she so yearned.

I was sad for San too. In his entire life, Deok-im was the only person who truly made him happy. However, knowing how much he valued being a great king over everything else, including her, I couldn’t help but wonder if he chose to keep her by his side just because his grandfather told him that the only way to handle the immense pressure that comes with being a great King is to have a woman next to him that he can truly love and cherish. When you think about it, San always knew how much she loved her friends and her freedom. She even tells him why she does not want to be his concubine. In spite of that, when she ends up becoming his concubine, while she remembers his dream of being a great king and supports him unconditionally, he forgets about her fear of losing herself. He knows better than anyone else how much she loves and cherishes her friends , and yet he does nothing to help them when they are in trouble, even though he knows that it will hurt her immensely. He even fails to see the loneliness and sadness that is engulfing her ever since she became his consort. That is why I can’t help but question his true intentions in keeping her by his side.

That being said, I am so glad that I watched The Red Sleeve. The fact that I was an emotional mess by the time I was done watching the drama, shows what an amazing job the actors did in bringing their respective characters to life, especially Lee Jun-ho and Lee Se-young. Jun-ho as the tormented Crown Prince who strives to be a leader who works for all the people of his kingdom, and Se-young as the palace maid who has to choose between her love and a life that she truly wants, were a treat to watch. So, if you haven’t already watched the drama, definitely check out The Red Sleeve on Viki. It is one emotional roller coaster ride you will be glad you took.

The Silent Sea

With desertification becoming a reality, scarcity of food and water is no more a threat of the future. Set in the dystopian near future, The Silent Sea is about a time when water is rationed due to scarcity, and new methods of growing food with as little water as possible is the need of the hour. With the future of water on Earth looking bleak, humans head to the moon in search of a solution. While other countries leave after failing to find any water there, South Korea continues with its research at a lunar station it built on the moon. However, when a radiation leak kills all 117 people at the lunar station, it is temporarily closed. Five years later when they decide to permanently close the station, a group of astronauts are sent on a mission to retrieve an important sample from the research facility before it is permanently shutdown. The astronauts have exactly 24 hours to complete their mission on the moon.

The Silent Sea starts with the astronauts crash landing on the moon, when they are still a few kilometers away from the research station. With no space shuttle to return, and an abandoned lunar station where the communications system is completely ruined, the crew has to find a way to contact earth while looking for the sample they have to take back. However when strange things start happening on the lunar station, their survival ends up becoming a priority over everything else. In order to figure out how to survive the strange happenings they will first need to know what exactly happened to the 117 crew members five years ago.

What I loved about The Silent Sea are all the characters telling the story, and the amazing actors that bring them to life. Each character has a reason for being a part of the mission. Their reasons vary from something as simple as getting a level higher in the water ration hierarchy, to saving their sick child who is hospitalized. There are also others who are there to either get rid of a guilt or find closure. While these may be their personal reasons for accepting the mission, it is their collective dream and hope of seeing the Earth back to its healthy self that drives them. The question is how far are they willing to go to make this dream a reality. There are many instances in the drama where I couldn’t help but wonder what I would do if I was ever in the shoes of any of these characters, especially Han Yoon-jae and Song Ji-An. For Yoon-jae completing the mission would mean saving his only daughter, and for Ji-an completing the mission would mean burying the truth behind her sister’s death forever. However the fate of the planet depends on whether they complete the mission or not. There never is a right answer in such situations. You just have to go with your instinct and hope that you did the right thing. However, making this decision is also not easy.

Of all the actors the ones that stand out the most are Gong Yoo as Captain Han Yoon-jae, Bae Doo-Na as Dr. Song Ji-An, Lee Joon as Lieutenant Ryoo Tae-seok and Kim Sun-young as Dr. Hong Ga-young. I really missed Gong Yoo and Lee Joon on the small screen. The last time I saw Gong Yoo in a television series was Goblin, and I think I haven’t seen Lee Joon after his My Father is Strange. So, I was really happy to see them back on the small screen. However, the actor I was most happy to see was Kim Sun-young. I love Sun-young and I am alway sad to see her being typecast as a mom or ajumma. So, to finally see her in a role such as Dr. Hong made me very happy. She is an amazing actress and does an awesome job as Dr. Hong.

So, if you are in the mood for a good sci-fi thriller or want to watch some of your favorite K-Drama actors in action, definitely check out The Silent Sea that is currently streaming on Netflix.

Best K-Dramas of 2021 – Emotional Dramas

2021 was a great year for dramas in the K-Drama world. Just when I thought I had watched the best drama of the year another amazing series would come along. Here are my top five dramas of 2021. With brilliant writing and amazing performances, it is almost impossible to chose the best among these five dramas.

Move to Heaven

Of all the dramas that I watched this year, the one that touched me the most is Move To Heaven, a beautiful drama about a young man suffering from Asperger’s syndrome who works as a trauma cleaner, and how he deals with the loss of a loved one, when death comes knocking on his door. Death is a topic that has become a little too common in recent times. While death in itself is very hard to deal with, untimely deaths are the worst, especially if the loved one lives far away, or if there are too many things that were left unsaid. The regret that comes with not being there for them, or not knowing what their final thoughts were can be devastating. As trauma cleaners, Han Geu-ru’s (Tang Joon-sang) and his dad Han Jeong-woo (Ji Jin-hee) help people deal with such a loss and get a closure. Move To Heaven is a very well-written heart-touching drama with amazing performances by Tang Joon-sang, Lee Je-hoon, and Hong Seung-hee. Do check out Move To Heaven that is currently streaming on Netflix.


It is not often that I end up with goosebumps while watching a K-drama, but that is exactly what happened while watching the season finale of Navillera, a heart touching drama about a retired mailman, Shim Deok-chul, who wants to fulfill his long-cherished dream of becoming a ballet dancer and a twenty-three year old ballerino, Lee Chae-rok, who has yet to find the right inspiration worthy of a debut. What makes Navillera such a beautiful watch is the journey of these two individuals, generations apart, who inspire each other to realize their dream of performing on stage, or as Deok-chul says “soar”, at least once in their lifetime, a journey that ends up in a life-long friendship. The bond they form is such, that they end up becoming an inspiration to those around them. Park In-hwan as Shim Deok-chul and Song Kang as Lee Chae-rok are beyond amazing. They were so convincing as Deok-chul and Chae-rok that I found myself laughing, crying and cheering for them, like they were someone I knew. I still cannot believe how natural Song Kang looked as a ballerino. Navillera is an inspiring drama that makes you realize that it is never too late to realize your dream, and the importance of finding what makes you happy and pursuing it. If I were to chose just one show to recommend this year, then it will most definitely have to be Navillera, which is currently streaming on Netflix.

Beyond Evil

With a well-written screenplay, brilliant performances and an amazing ensemble, Beyond Evil is everything you would expect from a good psychological thriller. The drama is so gripping, that I found myself rushing through one episode after another until the mystery was solved and the protagonist finally found peace. It wasn’t until the very end, when tears started flowing down my face, did I realize how very affected I was by the drama and the journey of the characters, especially the main leads. Set in a small town in the outskirts of Seoul, Beyond Evil is about the close-knit community of Manyang and how a series of murders affects their lives. Almost everybody is a victim and / or a suspect in this one-of-a-kind whodunit suspense thriller. Shin Ha-kyun as Lee Dong-sik and Yeo Jin-goo as Han Joo-won are so good, that you can’t help but feel their pain and helplessness, as they try to solve an impossible case. Definitely check out Beyond Evil that is streaming on Viki and Netflix.

Mad For Each Other

Of all the shows I watched this year, the one that caught me by surprise was Mad For Each Other. What started out as a laugh out loud comedy ended up shaking me to the core. I started the show, thinking it was about two people suffering from conditions like obsessive compulsive disorder and anger issues. While that was indeed the case, their actual conditions and the reasons behind their current state of mind was a lot more serious than just a simple case of OCD and anger management. She is a victim of dating violence and he has been suspended from his job due to anger issues. How these two very damaged individuals meet and try to survive while living next door to each other is what Mad For Each Other is about. Victim blaming and shaming has become a little too common these days. We often forget that there is a real person on the receiving end when we engage in conversations relating to online controversies. This show will really make you think twice before you engage in such controversies, especially about people you do not know. Jung Woo as the suspended police detective who suffers from PTED (Post Traumatic Embitterment Disorder), and Lee Min-Kyung as the victim of dating violence suffering from PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) and OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder), are a treat to watch. Definitely check out Mad For Each Other that is currently streaming on Netflix. Mad For Each Other does a great job of showing what abuse and victim shaming can do to a person.

Youth of May

Set during a time when the Democratization Movement was at its peak, Youth of May is a sweet love story between Hwang Hee-tae (Lee Do-hyun) and Kim Myung-hee (Go Min-si). When Seoul National University medical student Hee-tae meets nurse Myung-hee little does he know that life as he knows it was going to change forever. When Hee-tae and Myung-hee’s best friend, Lee Soo-ryeon (Keum Sae-rok) are set up on a blind date by their rich fathers, Soo-ryeon who is very much involved in the democracy movement and not interested in getting married, convinces Myung-hee to go on the date in her place. The plan is to show up, and do everything possible to make sure Hee-tae rejects her. What Myung-hee does not know is that Hee-tae already knows who she is, and is smitten by her. What follows is a sweet story of Hee-tae pursuing Myung-hee and finally winning her over. Of course Youth of May is not just about Hee-Tae and Myung-hee. Since the story is set during the time when the movement of democracy was at its peak, we get a glimpse of how life was in 1980s South Korea. After years of living in a dictatorship regime where the citizens had no rights and the rich were mostly blind with political ambitions, the youth of the country take it upon themselves to fight for their rights. Leading this cause in Gwangju is Hee-tae’s childhood friend Jeong Hye-gun (Lee Gyu-sung) and Myung-hee’s best friend Soo-ryeon. When the military descends on the city to thwart the protests, not only is their cause threatened but also the lives of every citizen. When soldiers start attacking and killing innocent people, the students take up arms leading to the Gwangju Uprising. How Hee-Tae, Myung-hee, Soo-ryeon and their families survive those ten terrifying days is what Youth of May is all about. So, if you want to watch a great drama about a very important period that defined the South Korea that we know today, then definitely check out Youth of May that is currently streaming on Viki.

Best K-Dramas of 2021 – Romantic Comedies

What a year it has been for K-dramas! It was almost impossible to keep up with all the shows that were airing. Since I was unable to write about every show that I watched this year, I wanted to make a list of my favorite dramas of 2021, but then I realized that I had way too many favorites. So, I have decided to break them up into categories and list the shows I loved in that category. First up is my favorite genre, romantic comedies.

Mr. Queen

We cannot talk about 2021, without talking about Mr. Queen, one of the funniest dramas of 2021. Since the show started airing in December of 2020, I keep forgetting that it is actually a show that I watched well into Feb of 2021. Mr. Queen is about chef Jang Bong-hwan (Choi Jin-hyuk), who one day finds himself in the body of a Joseon Queen. Bong-hwan is a celebrated chef who works for the Blue House. When a fish hook is found in the food served for the Chinese Ambassador, he becomes a prime suspect. While trying to escape from the authorities he falls into a swimming pool and the next thing he knows, he is in a Joseon palace trapped in the body of the Queen. What follows is nothing short of a laugh riot. I don’t think I ever laughed for any drama as much as I did for this one in recent times. Shin Hye-sun as the Queen with the chef’s spirit trapped inside her is beyond amazing (the best performance by any actress this year). Kim Jung-hyun also does an amazing job as the king trying very hard to understand his queen who does and says the most random things. Mr. Queen is without a doubt one of the best romantic comedies of 2021. Definitely check out Mr. Queen, that is available for streaming on Viki.

Dali and Gamjatang

It is said that it takes 3000 eons for a single moment to occur in our lives (Buddhist Sutra). That is why every moment / encounter should be considered precious. This precious moment occurs in Kim Dali and Jin Moo-hak’s lives, when they meet for the first time in Amsterdam airport. She is looking for a Mr. Jin and he is Mr. Jin, except not the Mr. Jin she is looking for. The Mr. Jin, she is looking for is Jin Hitonari, a world renowned art collector whose knowledge on art could give any expert a run for their money. He is Jin Moo-Hak, the managing director of a pig restaurant chain, who is on a trip to the Netherlands to attend a Pigs Farming Association event. So, when Kim Dali picks up the wrong Mr. Jin at the airport, and takes him to an upscale art collection party where he is asked to express his views on the collection and choose his favorite art piece, we know that a moment such as this had to be 3000 eons in the making. Dali and Gamjatang is a beautiful, sweet, heartwarming, hilarious romantic comedy that you should not miss. While the actors are exceptional in their respective roles, it is Kim Min-jae with his impeccable comedic timing and the very real chemistry he shares with Park Gyu-young that makes Dali and Gamjatang one of the best romantic dramas of 2021. Dali and Gamjatang / Dali and Cocky Prince is available for streaming on Viki.

My Roommate is a Gumiho

When Lee Dam, a university student, accidentaly swallows Shin Woo-Yeo’s (a 999 year old Gumiho) bead, she must move into his house while he figures out a way to safely remove it from her. While moving in is easy, trying to keep it a secret from all her friends and family is not. Like that is not enough, Shin Woo-Yeo is also the new Professor in her college. But that is not all. Since the bead is inside her, there are a few things she cannot do, like eat chicken (her favorite food), drink alcohol (again her favorite) and most importantly come in contact with anyone born in the year of the tiger, because that will make her extremely ill (kind of like an allergic reaction). If you have seen Lee Hye-ri’s dramas before, you already know how great she is when it comes to comedy. Hye-ri along with Kang Han-na as the ex-gumiho make this drama a hilarious watch. Jang Ki-young is perfect as the soft-spoken Gumiho, in love with a human. With some great characters and an interesting plot My Roommate is a Gumiho on Viki is a must watch romantic comedy of the year.

The King’s Affection

The King’s Affection is set in a time when it was considered bad luck to be born a twin in the royal household, especially if you are next in line for the throne. While same sex twins (boys) were considered bad because of the turmoil it would result in due to the confusion it would create as to who the rightful heir to the throne is, the fate of a twin that shares the womb with the opposite sex was considered worse. It was believed that a prince who shared the womb with a girl was weak. The only way to correct this wrong was either to kill both the twins or kill one of them and erase all records of them ever having existed. This is exactly what happens in The King’s Affection, which seems to be loosely based on the fact that there is no recorded history of twins ever being born in a Korean royal household. Amazing performances by the entire cast and the undeniably on-screen chemistry between Park Eun-bin and Rowoon makes The King’s Affection on Netflix a must watch drama.

Hello Me!

What if your teenage self, met the present you? Will you be proud of who you have become, or will you hide yourself in fear that you might disappoint your younger self? We all dream of what our life will be like when we grow up. However, life does not always turn out the way we plan. This is what seventeen year old Bahn Ha-ni (Lee Re) realizes when she meets her thirty-seven year old self (Choi Kang-hee). Hello, Me! is a feel-good romantic comedy about second chances, family and relationships. Regrets can be very devastating, that is why it is important to give ourselves and those around us a second chance. Sometimes in life we end up making bad choices, due to our regrets or because we feel wronged. This does not necessarily make us bad or worthless. What is important is to stand up and embrace ourselves, so we can move forward in life. A little love and understanding is all we need in order to come out of a bad situation. As long as we are surrounded by people who can give us this love and support, we will not be miserable for long. These are the points that Hello, Me! tries to make, and does so quite beautifully. Definitely check out the drama for some great laughs, heart warming moments, and amazing performances by Choi Kang-hee, Lee Re, Kim Young-kwang, and Eum Moon-seok. Hello Me! is available for streaming on Netflix.