Zero – He may be small but everything he does is larger than life

Shah Rukh Khan Anushka Sharma Katrina Kaif Zeeshan Ayyub Salman Khan Anand L Rai Himanshu

If you have seen the trailer of Zero, then you already know what the movie is about. Bauua Singh, is a 4.5′ dwarf who refuses to let his height come in the way of him living his life to the fullest, and when you have unlimited money at your disposal and a condition that you can milk to your benefit, anything is possible. As a dwarf, Bauua is used to always getting attention, so when Aafia Yusufzai Bhinder, a scientist suffering from cerebral palsy, does not find him interesting, he makes it his mission to win her over. However the lady who rules Bauua’s heart is Babita Kumari, an actress for whom he is willing to go to any lengths. As we all know, Bauua is someone who only follows his heart. So what does Bauua’s heart say, and where does it lead him, is what Zero is all about.

It is not always that we get to witness Shah Rukh Khan essay a role such as Bauua. To say that he nailed it would be an understatement. He was so convincing and the special effects so perfect, that not once was I reminded that he is a regular sized actor. It was a joy watching him have fun as Bauua Singh. Can you imagine a regular SRK running around in his underwear? I know none of us will be able to digest such a scene, even if it is in a film (I feel that we limit some of our actors by putting them up on a pedestal). However, SRK as a dwarf in his underwear looked adorable. While SRK makes us laugh with his antics as Bauua in the first half, he also manages to make us tear up in the second half when he turns on his classic SRK charm. Equally impressive is Anushka Sharma as Aafia. It is not easy to live with a condition where the first reaction of anyone you meet, is pity. It doesn’t matter how accomplished you are or how smart, you are always first defined by your disability. This is Aafia’s biggest problem. So when she meets Bauua, a cheesy but full of life guy who refuses to let his size define who he is, and who sees her for who she is and not her disability, she realizes what she has been missing. Aafia is without a doubt a very challenging role to play, and Anushka did a phenomenal job. As for Katrina Kaif, she was perfect as the heartbroken actress on a path of self-destruction.

Zero, like Bauua is a spectacle. Please remember that nothing in the film is normal. The characters, the situations, their problems and the solutions are all on a grand scale. This is what makes Zero so entertaining. I think how you feel about Zero will depend on how you view it. If you want to watch a film that spins an entertaining tale on a grand scale then you will not be disappointed by Zero, but if you are looking for a very realistic emotional drama, then Zero is probably not the film for you.

Definitely go watch Zero, if not for anything then atleast to watch the brilliance that is SRK, the magic that is Jab Tak Jahan (this song is a treat for the eyes and ears), and the chance to see Sridevi one last time (though brief you can’t help but feel bittersweet when you her on screen).

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