
Nawazuddin Siddiqui Nandita Das Tahir Rasika Rajshri

“My stories are mirrors for society to see itself. If you cannot bear my stories, then it means that we are living in unbearable times”. These words of Manto ring true even today. We, as a society, have always been good at turning a blind eye and a deaf ear to anything that makes us uncomfortable. Only a select few have the courage to speak up, even if it means that they will be shunned by society. Manto was one of those select few. He was a brilliant writer and way ahead of his times. His stories were mostly controversial and often got him in trouble.

In spite of living during a time when India’s struggle for independence was at an all time high, Manto’s life in pre-independent India was very good. He was very happy living in his beloved city, Bombay, doing what he did best, writing, and spending time with friends who loved and adored him. So, when India finally became Independent, he thought that life was only going to get better. Little did he know then, the impact the partition was going to have on him.

Of all the horrible things that the British ever did, the partition of India and Pakistan has to be the cruelest. Like looting the country and pillaging it for centuries was not enough, they just had to sow a seed of hatred so deep, that neither of the countries could ever recover from. It still breaks my heart when I think of the 14 million people that were displaced due to the partition. I am sure that being independent did not make any sense to them. What was the use of freedom, when you were loosing everything that was ever dear to you? This was the price Manto had to pay too, for Independence. Leaving the beloved city, where his parents and first-born were buried, is a decision that haunts him for the rest of his life.

Watch Manto to know more about this incredible writer, and to witness the brilliance that is Nawazuddin Siddiqui. While all the actors are great in their respective roles, Nawazuddin steals the show as Manto. He is so convincing, that not once are we reminded of the actor behind the character. With her exceptional story-telling, Nandita Das not only brings Manto’s story to life, but she also gives us a glimpse into his mind by beautifully intertwining five of his most famous stories into the narration.

So if you missed watching the film in theaters, Manto is now available for online streamlining on Netflix.

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