Bareilly Ki Barfi – A Laugh Riot

Bareilly Ki BarfiIt is tricky being a girl, especially in India. When you are born, your birth is celebrated like as if the Goddess of Wealth herself is born in the household. You are literally raised like a little princess. There is no way you could do anything wrong. So we all grow up feeling like the queen of the world. Then we grow up and it is time to get married. All of sudden everything we do is wrong. We are constantly corrected on how to talk, walk, eat, sleep, dress, etc. We are so lost that we don’t really know who we are any more. We feel like a misfit. This is our protagonist Bitti (Kriti Sanon), who is raised a free-spirit and now that it is time for her to get married is expected to change her ways. Unable to change herself and to save her parents from constant agony, Bitti decides to runaway from home. At the station she discovers a book about a girl who is exactly like her. Desperate to meet the man who understands her so well, she seeks the help of the publisher, Chirag Dubey (Ayushman Khurana) to track down the author, Pritam Vidrohi (Rajkummar Rao). Based on Nicolas Barreau’s The Ingredients of Love, Bareilly Ki Barfi (BKB) is a light breezy romantic comedy filled with many laugh out loud moments thanks to its crisp screenplay, hilarious dialogues, and brilliant performances by the entire cast.

BKB is perhaps Kriti Sanon’s best performance till date. She does a great job as the small town girl who loves living life to the fullest and on her own terms. Scenes between her and her parents Pankaj Tripathi and Seema Pahwa are hilarious. Equally impressive is Ayushman Khurana as the publisher  / closet author who loves Bitti but cannot tell her the truth. It is hard not to feel a little emotional in the last scene when he finally confesses his love. But the person who steals the show is without a doubt Rajkummar Rao, with his hilarious portrayal of Pritam Vidrohi. His transformation from the meek saree salesman to the “rangbaaz” author is a joy to watch. He is so good, that people in the theater were actually clapping while laughing their hearts out, every time he appeared on screen.

So if you are looking for a feel good comedy to watch this week, do try BKB. You will not be disappointed.

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