Ninnu Kori – Let’s Welcome Life

Ninnu Kori Movie

“‘Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all”, while these words of Tennyson are great, anyone who has lost in love knows that it is easier said than done. The heartbreak that comes from losing what you believe is the love of your life, especially if it’s your first love does often feel like the end. But time does heal all wounds, and life becomes beautiful again. This is the point Ninnu Kori tries to drive home, and does a splendid job at that. Do not waste your time trying to figure out the story based on the few words I’ve written, because whatever your guess might be, that is not how the story unfolds.

Having watched Ninnu Kori twice, I can confidently say that the best way to enjoy the film is to watch it without any preconceived notions. Ninnu Kori is like a wonderful romantic novel coming to life. So if you haven’t watched the film yet, do yourself a favor, stop right here and go watch it, you will not be sorry.  It is a beautiful emotion that just cannot be missed and reading any review including mine will only spoil that experience for you.

But if you are one of those people who just cannot watch a film without reading its review, I will try my best to give you an idea without revealing too much.  If you heard that the story is similar to Abhinandana or Hum Dil De Chuke Sanam, let me assure you that it is far from the truth. With the exception that Pallavi (Nivetha) is in love with Uma (Nani), but ends up marrying Arun (Aadhi), there are no other similarities in the story line. In fact,  one of the things I loved about this film is its fresh script. I have seen quiet a few Umas, Pallavis and Aruns in my life. While I know that not all jilted lovers turn into Devdases, I have always wondered how one can be so happily married to someone when they were so madly in love with someone else. Debutante director Shiva Nirvana does an excellent job of exploring that subject and much more. The way the story unfolds and each character evolves, shows what a matured and brilliant story writer he is. I can’t wait to see what else he has in store for future projects.

Another highlight of the film is the beautiful music by Gopi Sunder and awesome Cinematography by Karthik Ghattamaneni. From the moment you see the beautiful visuals of Vizag, New Delhi and SFO on screen while the title track is playing in the background, you know you are in for a treat. Almost every frame of the film is a beautiful canvas. The fact that the film was shot in two places I call home made this extra special for me. Equally beautiful is the music of the film that stays with you long after you have left the theater. It is the haunting background score coupled with the brilliant performances that stirs up a gamut of emotions throughout the film. In fact, I am yet to decide which of the five songs is my favorite, though Adiga and Unnattundi were my initial favorites.

Of course, we cannot talk about a Nani film without talking about the performances of the actors. We all know what a brilliant actor Nani is, but what I love about Nani’s films is the effort the other actors put in his films and as always we are not disappointed.  Nivetha is the perfect Pallavi to Nani’s Uma and Aadhi’s Arun. If you loved Nivetha opposite Nani in Gentleman, then you are in for a treat in this one. She does a great job of matching to Nani’s intensity, in terms of acting, and Aadhi as the tall, dark, handsome husband is perfect in his role. Another character I really loved in the film is Murali Sharma. It was a joy watching him, especially in the scenes between him and Nani. It was as if they just picked up from where they left off in BBM.

Last but not the least, Nani! Just when you think you have seen the best he has to offer, he surprises you with another brilliant performance. Nani’s portrayal of Uma is without a doubt one of his best performances to date. The way he takes you on Uma’s journey making you happy and then sad, just long enough to have a lump in your throat and tears in your eyes, before making you laugh again, is par excellence. I don’t think the roller coaster ride of emotions that everyone is experiencing while watching the film would have been possible if anyone other than Nani had portrayed Uma. He was literally living and breathing Uma. There are some scenes in the film in which one can’t help but wonder how it is even humanly possible to pretend such raw emotions to perfection. With this role he has once again redefined the meaning of superb acting.

The fact that there was not a single dry eye in the theater, is proof enough of how much the audience is getting connected to this beautiful film and its characters. Do go check it out if you haven’t done so already, you will not be disappointed.